Strings Stories

Warrior Energy: Electrifying Cellist Tina Guo Plays an Integral Role in ‘Dune’ and Other Scores by Hans Zimmer

Strings Magazine

This story was written by Greg Cahill for the March-April 2024 issue of Strings magazine and is read by editor Megan Westberg.

“I love that film and soundtrack music aren’t limited by preconceptions or genres,” says cellist, composer, software developer, and entrepreneur Tina Guo, 38, whose extensive film work includes the 2022 Academy Award–winning soundtrack to Dune. “Anything goes, and experimentation or seeking to always do something new is so wonderful and so exhilarating—depending on the project, anything from classical to electronic to heavy metal to country to new age to tribal to jazz. Literally anything. People used to tell me that I should ‘stick with one genre,’ but this is the perfect playground for me to release all of my creative energy.”

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